Welcome to Bangalore's Best Pest Control Service Company

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Pest control is a service that helps you to get rid of any kind of pest infestation. This program is executed by the professional pest exterminators who come along with all the advanced pest controlling measures, including varied powerful controlled substances and equipment. Home Pro Pest Control is a reputed service renderer in this domain.

In today’s do-it-yourself world of “how to” online articles and YouTube videos, it can be difficult to determine when you’re in over your head. Calling in an expert has a price tag attached. But so can doing it yourself. Each store-bought remedy costs money, and multiple applications can drive up the cost. And while you’re waiting for the latest home pest control solution to do its job (or show that it’s not working as expected), the pests can be causing significant and costly damage to your home or harming your family.

One of the best skills any do-it-yourselfer can learn – whether it’s in pest control or plumbing – is how to identify when it’s time to call in a professional. Here are five signs that it’s time to put down the pesticide, pick up the phone, and call pest control experts : Bite Marks, Skin Rash, Pest Sighting, Property Damage and Pest Droppings

We have the experience and expertise in the pest control industry for more than 10+ years, with warranty on all our services and a 24/7 phone line to assist you with any query or support.

  • Get the service at a convenient time: Gone are the days when your service provider tells you the time he will visit your place. Take control in your hand by scheduling an appointment as per your own convenience and have our expert technician come in to attend you when you are completely free and do not have any other commitments.
  • Personal Safety: We understand that safety is a primary concern when letting strangers into your house, and hence, all the professionals clear a strict background check before we authorize them to serve you. We also conduct a daily temperature check and team sanitises all their equipment’s
  • All your solutions at one place: Whether you want to get rid of rats or ants, cockroaches, or mosquitoes, Home Pro will be your solution. Our services of pest control give you a variety of options to choose from, and you can get rid of not just one but many pests in just one single visit by our service provider.

Biological Pest control, fumigation spray, effective insecticide and pesticide. The experts at Home Pro will investigate the infestation and help you not to only remove the infestation, but also prevent the pests from coming back. The team ensures to use a combination of treatment to ensure elimination of pests in an effective and sustainable way

Many homeowners wonder whether it is safe to stay in the house or leave for a while after pest control treatment. Fortunately, there is no need for you to leave your house due to pest control.

Home Pro pest control sprays are safe to use for both indoors and outdoors, so there is no reason to leave your home. However, the technicians will ask you to wait for about 15 minutes to let the treatment dry. It dries quickly and does not cause any serious issues or leave a residue. In case your children or pets come in contact with the wet product, simply wash their hands or paws thoroughly and keep it out of their mouths. Advanced pest control treatments are safe for your loved ones, yet extremely effective when it comes to eliminating rodents, bugs and insects for good.